December 31, 2011

Last post for 2011

Well friends

   This is the last post of 2011! May 2012 be filled with a lot of craftiness, happiness, and lots of money!!! =) I want to thank you once again for being a part of my crafting journey! Each and everyone of you have touched my life in one way or another! I am greatful for all of you! Enjoy the last video of 2011. There will be a lot more where that came from!

Have a happy happy new year!!!

Toodles and be safe!


Jazz up your Silhouette Cameo

Good morning my crafty friends!

 Well this day had to come! The last day of 2011, bring on 2012! I hope you all have a safe and happy new year! I am sending each and everyone of you a virtual hug *hugz* I'm squeezing tightly. Thank you all for stopping by and seeing what I have to share. Today I have another video tutorial on how to jazz up your silhouette cameo! I hope you enjoy this one.

Keep an eye out for more things to come to my blog! There will be a huge blog make over and a NEW NAME!!! Yippee!! I will have weekly post and a few fun giveaways! I am so excited to bring you along my creative journey! Have a fabulous day!


Your friend from Sunny CA!


December 30, 2011

Quick Tip: Cameo and SCAL 3

Hello My Crafty friends!

    I can not believe it's coming down to the last 2 days of the year! How exciting! I hope you all enjoy your New Years Celebration with all of your friends and family! For today's post I have a quick video on how I use SCAL 3 with my new Cameo.

I hope you enjoy and I will be back once more before the new year!

Here is a picture of what the snowman looks like all put together!

Isn't he so cute and sparkly!

Thank you so much for stopping by!



December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas and Cameo Creation

Merry Christmas my Crafty friends!

    I hope you all get to spend some wonderful quality time with all your loved ones! May Santa bring you all the goodies you deserve this holiday season! Thank you so much for being a part of my blog! I have gained some beautiful and wonderful friendships through the crafting world! You ladies inspire me and it is a pleasure to get to know all of you! I am sending you lots of love and joy from my family to yours!          MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Before I go, I would like to share with you my first creations using the Cameo. I hope you enjoy.

Mickey was made with Mickey & Friends Cart
LA was an SVG I created!

Cut these iron ons using the Cricut.

My first CAMEO creations. Files from Cameo Store.

Used my favorite font "Kristen"
right from my computer!
Love it!

"TIA" means aunt in spanish,
Because I do rock! LOL

Had to add a star to her lil bum!

Once again have a MERRY XMAS MY FRIENDS!



December 18, 2011

It's here

Hello my crafty friends!!

   Happy Sunday, I  am so excited to have received my new toy! I wanted to share opening up the Cameo with you so I decided to film it. Here you go, there will be more tutorials on the Cameo coming soon. I can't wait to get started!!

I hope you enjoyed this quick video! I will talk to you soon! Take care my crafty friends and craft away!



December 16, 2011


Hello My crafty friends!!

   Boy have I missed you so much! This fourth grade class is really sucking the life out of me! I have been leaving work between 4:30 and 5! There just is so much to do!

   I have made a few projects but have been so busy I forget to take a picture and post to share with you! Luckily Today is the first day of my Christmas break and guess what I just received in the mail yesterday......

Oh yeah, the Cameo!!!! Whoo hoo!!!!
 I can not wait to get started and show you what this baby can do!!! So excited!!!

I'll be back soon =)



December 6, 2011

12 Days of Christmas: DAY 12

Good Morning my crafty friends!

Welcome to Day 12 of our 12 day of Christmas hosted by the wonderful Sylvia at Bellas Scrapbook Designs. 
I can't believe the hop is over! I had such a fun time doing all of these projects. Everyone did a fabulous job!

If you have arrived from the awesomest Ester you are in the right spot!

For today, I wanted to keep with the Disney theme. I have 2 Disney Christmas cards to share with you!

I hope you enjoyed this hop and gained lots of wonderful inspiration from all of us along the way! Thank you to everyone that has stopped by and has left the nicest comments ever! I truly appreciate each and every single one of you!

I have 2 videos in the process and will be up this week! Have an amazing day!

Your next stop is Anita



December 5, 2011

12 Days of Christmas: DAY 11

Good Morning my crafty friends!

Welcome to Day 11 of our 12 day of Christmas hosted by the wonderful Sylvia at Bellas Scrapbook Designs. 
One more day and this awesome blog hop is over =(

If you have arrived from the awesomest Ester you are in the right spot!

For today I have some pictures of ornaments I made for my Tree last year. I am a huge Disney Nut and we usually have Disney Christmas or LA Dodger christmas. Not sure what we are going for this year. I know, I know, I haven't even put the tree up! =)

If you would like a video tutorial on these let me know. I was going to post one up for today, but on Friday, I was given a Fourth grade class to teach untill the end of the school year.

Unfortunately ,the teacher that was there, became real sick and has to take the rest of the year off. So, the principal contacted me and offered me the position =) So with that being said, I have been planning like crazy for the week, but there is so much to do in 4th grade that I only planned for today! Yikes! It's a new program, so I'm just getting use to it.

Will you please keep the teacher that I am replacing in your prayers. She is very important to me. She was my 6th grade teacher and it saddens me to know she is ill. Thank you all.

Now on a happier note! Here are the ornaments!

Well? What do you think? I love my lil ornaments! They were so fun to do! Love Love Minnie Mouse!

Thank you so much for stopping by! I love reading all of your comments! It's make me smile =) And you all know a lil smile doesn't hurt!

Your next stop is Anita



December 4, 2011

12 Days of Christmas: DAY 10

Good Morning my crafty friends!

Welcome to Day 10 of our 12 day of Christmas hosted by the wonderful Sylvia at Bellas Scrapbook Designs. 

I can't believe it's almost going to end! I'm having such a blast with this blog hop!

If you have arrived from the awesomest Ester you are in the right spot!

Today I have another tutorial for you!! So sit back and enjoy Episode 11! Wow I can't believe I'm at Episode 11! I'm having such a fun time making these tutorials for you!

Today's tutorial is simple and quick!! Hope you like it! Enjoy....

Thank you so much for stopping by, I'll be back tomorrow with another tutorial!

So, I was going to film my trip to Sandra's house that I took yesterday but I forgot to take out the camera. All I filmed was my exit of my house and driving there. BOO I'm so bummed. We just started chatting awat that I forgot! Next time!

If you would like the Wreath SVG I used CLICK HERE, It's free!

Your next stop is Anita



December 3, 2011

12 Days of Christmas: DAY 9

Good Morning my crafty friends!

Welcome to Day 9 of our 12 day of Christmas hosted by the wonderful Sylvia at Bellas Scrapbook Designs.

If you have arrived from the awesomest Ester you are in the right spot!

Today I have another tutorial for you!! So sit back and enjoy Episode 10! You are in for a treat! I did something different today. I would really appreciate any feedback on your thoughts of the video! 

 Today's tutorial is simple and quick!! Hope you like it! Enjoy....

Sooo, whatcha think?? 

 Thank you so much for stopping by, I'll be back tomorrow with another tutorial! And a SURPRISE!!! Have an AMAZING FUN FILLED DAY!

Your next stop is Anita



December 2, 2011

12 Days of Christmas: DAY 8

Good Morning my crafty friends!

Welcome to Day 8 of our 12 day of Christmas hosted by the wonderful Sylvia at Bellas Scrapbook Designs.

If you have arrived from the awesomest Ester you are in the right spot!

Today I have another tutorial for you!! So sit back and enjoy Episode 9! You are in for a treat!

 Today's tutorial is simple and quick!!  Hope you like it! Enjoy....

Sooo, whatcha think?? Do you LOVE it as much as I do!!! I'm a nut I know!!! =)

 Thank you so much for stopping by, I'll be back tomorrow with another tutorial! Have an AMAZING FUN FILLED DAY!

Your next stop is Anita



*Make sure you check back daily! I have a surprise and you never know when I will announce it!*

December 1, 2011

12 Days of Christmas: DAY 7

Good Morning my crafty friends!

Welcome to Day 7 of our 12 day of Christmas hosted by the wonderful Sylvia at Bellas Scrapbook Designs.

If you have arrived from the awesomest Ester you are in the right spot!

Today I have another tutorial for you!! Whoo hoo, so sit back and enjoy Episode 8
 For today's tutorial it is a simple quick and easy holiday card! Hope you like it! Enjoy....

Sooo, whatcha think?? I hope you enjoyed today's video. Comment below and tell me what crafty item you just can't live without! Mine is GLITTER!!!! Ahhh I love sparkly things!! =)

 Thank you so much for stopping by, I'll be back tomorrow with another tutorial!

Your next stop is Anita



*Make sure you check back daily! I have a surprise and you never know when I will announce it!* porn movies sex videos hd porno video